The big day is coming up, and your main mission is to make the most of it!
There will be hundreds of shoppers eager to spend their money on your wonderful products, but more importantly, eager to give their money to the right people... people they like and can relate to.
That means that your attitude and energy can make your sales, or quite simply break them.
I think we can all agree that preparing for an event can be exciting, but also time consuming and taxing on your energy and patience. So here is a list of things to remember before, during and after an event day. This will help you ensure that you are maximizing your sales potential!
It may sound obvious, but when I walk around events I am always amazed at the number of vendors and artists who frankly look discouraged or look as though they do not want to be there. The last thing a shopper wants to do is engage with someone who is wearing those negative emotions on their face.
A simple "Hello" or acknowledgement while making eye contact with our visitors can make the difference between someone walking right past your booth or noticing you and stopping to check out your products (or potentially returning later)!
If you are seated, you are giving the message that you’re on a break or that you are tired. Instinctively, some shoppers will not want to bother you.
Resist the urge to gossip or speak negatively on any topic whatsoever! When shoppers hear vendors and artists gossiping and speaking negatively, they simply skip their boots and go to the next vendor or artist who is ready to greet them with a smile. No one is in the mood for negativity, especially at a Christmas market.
Arrive EARLY, have your booth set-up, organized and ready to receive shoppers at 11 AM sharp! We typically have a lineup way before the doors open and if you are not ready, shoppers will walk right past your booth in order to allow you time to set up and they will not return. Not only it looks unprofessional, but it tells the shopper you don't really think their presence and time is valuable. In turn, you will lose business and potential sales.
Do not start tearing down your booth until the very end of the event at 6 PM! We welcome shoppers who sometimes pay an admission fee right until 5:55 PM. They expect and deserve the same respect as anyone else who arrives earlier. They should see all artists at their booths ready to greet them and help them shop. Otherwise, there go those potential last-minute sales!
Please wait until the official end of the event before beginning to pack up. Any vendor who is seen doing so before the advertised 6 PM will no longer be invited back at our events.
All in all, the energy and message you put out is what you will attract. And no matter what the results of your sales are that day, you just never know which return business you will receive even AFTER the event is over.
Looking forward to seeing all of you on Sunday, bright and early, and prepared to give the best customer service to our hard-working and deserving shoppers!
Written by
Nadia Lloyd
Creative Director of Toronto Art Crawl
Artist/ Designer